Unveiling Intolerance: A Chilling Incident of Forced Conversion at NUML University Islamabad

On June 17th 2024, In the heart of Islamabad, within the walls of NUML University, an unsettling incident unfolded that sheds light on an issue that continues to plague our society – forced religious conversion.

Noshad Mal, a student hailing from Tharparkar Sindh, found himself at the center of this disturbing event. The incident took place during the festive season of Eid, a time synonymous with joy and harmony. But for Noshad, a Hindu boy, the celebration took a horrifying turn when he was pressured by a Mullah named Muhammad Tahir to consume beef and convert to Islam.

The incident occurred at the NUML University Hostel, where Mullah Tahir, aided by a watchman, attempted to impose his religious beliefs on the young student. This distressing act of religious intimidation went beyond the simple act of consuming beef, it was a direct challenge to Noshad’s faith, his personal beliefs, and his right to religious freedom.

Fortunately, the story did not end in tragedy. Thanks to the prompt intervention of the Islamabad Police, Noshad was saved from this harrowing ordeal. Mullah Tahir was arrested and later issued a written apology for his actions.

While this incident ended without irreversible harm, it serves as a stark reminder of the challenges that religious minorities continue to face in many parts of Pakistan. Let Noshad’s story be a call to action. It is time for us to stand together against religious intolerance and uphold the fundamental principles of freedom and mutual respect.

For more updates and detailed coverage of this case and other issues affecting the Hindu and Sindhi communities in Sindh, Pakistan, stay tuned to Sindh Renaissance.

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