Unique example of passion and hard work

Unique example of passion and hard work:Empowering Women and Communities Through UniqueCraftsmanship in Sindh

In Sindh, a Hindu woman named Daani Kolhi has become a shining example of women’s empowerment through her remarkable craftsmanship in creating unique Chalhas and modern cultural Jhopras.

Daani Kolhi, a 50-year-old member of the Hindu Kolhi community, resides near the small village of Sanjarchang in the Sindh district, located 80 km from Hyderabad. Despite her lack of formal education, Daani has proven herself to be a remarkably talented and resourceful woman.

Until recently, Daani led the life of an ordinary farmer, working alongside her husband, Kumon Kolhi, in tilling the land. However, her life took a dramatic turn due to climate change, which brought heavy rains and floods to Sindh. After the situation stabilized, while her family returned to their regular life, Daani, with her own hands, built an open kitchen on the rooftop of her house, raised 2 feet above the ground. This unique stove, which burned wood and emitted smoke that did not affect women, garnered attention from far and wide and was hailed as environmentally friendly.

During this time, a social organization dedicated to rehabilitating flood-affected areas arrived to survey Kolhi’s village. Impressed by the open kitchen and stove, they recognized Daani’s hard work and skills. Subsequently, the organization enlisted her services to construct similar Chalhas in the homes of people in flood-affected villages.

Daani Kolhi has now enabled women in numerous villages to create these Chalhas. The process is relatively straightforward, with the required materials readily available in the villages.

Daani’s ambition didn’t stop at the Chalhas; she took another remarkable step by constructing modern bamboo huts on an empty plot at her home. These huts, made entirely of bamboo wood and designed above the ground, have bamboo steps, windows, and doors. Other organizations have also recognized her talents, and she has been commissioned to build thousands of these huts in different villages.

Daani Kolhi’s Chalhas and Jhopras have gained popularity outside of Sindh. Her unique and eco-friendly Chalha has brought her recognition nationally, and her work is garnering attention internationally. Daani has visited various countries, including Dubai and London, where she received awards and certificates, acknowledging her exceptional contributions.

Despite her lack of formal education, Daani is a confident and articulate individual, proficient in communicating her ideas effectively. Her husband, Kumon Kolhi, fully appreciates and supports her endeavors.

Daani takes great pride in her village and community and aims to empower other women. She offers free training to the women in her community, passing on her valuable skills and knowledge.

Her family, once afflicted by poverty, has now risen to prosperity thanks to her unique talents. Daani Kolhi has not only become an inspiration for women but also a symbol of empowerment and a representative of her region.