Tulsi Meghwar: A first Pakistani Hindu Girl Softball player

Tulsi Meghwar has earned the honor of being the first Pakistani Hindu girl softball player. The 21-year-old resides in Sadhu Mohalla of Kotri, a historic city on the banks of the Indus River. Tulsi Meghwar is a B.Sc. student with a keen interest in both sports and studies. Her father, Harjilal, is a local journalist, and Tulsi is the second among her six siblings.

When Tulsi Meghwar was a sixth-grade student, a sports camp was established in her school in 2016, during which interest tests were conducted for various sports. Along with other girls, Tulsi Meghwar was selected to play baseball and softball. She mentions that before that, she had no idea what softball and baseball were.

For the first time after the selection, she went to play in Quetta with her team. Over the past six years, Tulsi Meghwar has participated in Sindh Games, Olympic Games, and national-level competitions.

Tulsi Meghwar notes that while baseball is the national game of America, it doesn’t hold much importance in Pakistan. The unavailability of grounds for this game in the country poses challenges for players in practice. Living in Kotri, a town with only one cricket ground and no ground for baseball, Tulsi faces difficulties in practicing the game. Consequently, she practices at home with her siblings

Tulsi mentions that, as a sports enthusiast, she is admired and encouraged by the majority in the Hindu community but faces criticism from some individuals. However, she doesn’t let the criticism bother her.

Tulsi Meghwar is also a bike rider. She learned to ride a motorcycle and now rides a bike herself. She shares that she used to go from home to the ground for practice when her father or brother dropped her off. However, in their absence, she learned bike riding, allowing her to go for practice independently.

Passionate about her sport, Tulsi Meghwar spends her free time watching videos of baseball and softball, trying to understand the rules of the game to enhance her skills. She expresses her dream of playing at the international level and bringing glory to her country.