Tragic Abduction and Forced Conversion: Hindu Bheel Minor’s Plight Ignites Protests for Justice

A minor girl from the Hindu Bheel community in Shahpur Chakar, District Sanghar, Sindh, was abducted, forcibly converted, and married. The Hindu Bheel community resides in Buly Shah village within the jurisdiction of Shahpur police station.

Armed individuals entered the houses of the Bheel community and abducted a 15-year-old girl, Guli Bheel, daughter of Baboo Bheel. The girl’s father, Baboo Bheel, mother Hawa Bheel, and other relatives staged a protest in front of the Shahpur press club, shouting slogans for justice.

They allege that members of the Khaskheli community abducted Guli Bheel. Upon approaching local dignitaries, they were initially assured that the girl would be returned, but this promise was later broken. Instead of returning the girl, they were informed that Guli Bheel had converted and married Fida Khaskheli.

The girl’s parents express disbelief, questioning how it is possible for a minor to change her religion and marry. They are deeply saddened, asserting that such acts constitute cruelty towards Hindu citizens. They claim that young girls from their community are frequently taken away, and the police and courts are failing to provide adequate protection and justice.

The parents continue to protest and fight for justice, and videos of their tearful appeals are circulating on social media.