Pakistan Dravidian Alliance Fights for Justice in Baghwandas Meghwar Case

The Pakistan Dravidian Alliance (PDA) is fighting for justice in the case of Baghwandas Meghwar, a young man who was killed in a hate crime. A team of PDA leaders, including central vice president Mohanlal Phanwar, Sunny Ramani Bhel, and Shamdas Kachhi, appeared in court with Ali Pulh Sahib, the lawyer for the deceased youth’s family.

The PDA is committed to fighting for the rights of all oppressed people, regardless of their caste, creed, or ethnicity. The alliance believes that every person deserves to live a life free from discrimination and violence.

In the Baghwandas Meghwar case, the PDA is demanding that the perpetrators be brought to justice and that the family of the deceased be compensated for their loss. The alliance is also calling for the government to take steps to protect minorities from hate crimes.