In an unsettling incident from Digri city, A minor Hindu girl named Meena Lohar, born on July 29, 2011, and studying in the 7th grade, was reportedly abducted, converted to Islam, and married off to a Muslim youth, Asif Kanhabar. Despite the relatives of the abducted girl reaching out to the head office of Mirpurkhas and lodging a complaint with Daghari police, no First Information Report (FIR) has been registered, leaving the family in a state of despair and helplessness.
This case is not an anomaly; rather, it’s part of a deeply disturbing trend in Sindh Pakistan, particularly in the Sindhi region. There, the abduction of Hindu girls, followed by forced religious conversion and marriage, is increasingly becoming a commonplace occurrence. This alarming pattern has triggered a state of fear among the Sindhi Hindu community, making them feel vulnerable and unprotected.
The federal and provincial governments, along with higher legal institutions in Pakistan, need to take immediate notice of these incidents. Action must be taken to ensure the safety and rights of the minority communities, specifically the Sindhi Hindus. The law enforcement agencies’ lack of response in registering FIRs in such cases is a clear violation of basic human rights and needs to be addressed urgently.
Moreover, this issue warrants international attention. Social organizations worldwide and the UN Security Council need to take concrete steps to halt this oppression and abuse of minorities in Pakistan. The world cannot stand by while such gross human rights violations continue unabated.
The case of Meena Lohar is a distressing reminder of the urgent need for intervention and justice. It’s a call to the international community to not only condemn these atrocities but also take concrete steps to prevent them. Let us stand together against such violations of human rights, striving for a world where every individual, regardless of their religious affiliation, is safe, respected, and treated with dignity.

For more updates and detailed coverage of this case and other issues affecting the Hindu and Sindhi communities in Sindh, Pakistan, stay tuned to Sindh Renaissance.