Minor Hindu Girl Abducted and Married in Karachi

It has come to light that Jaya Meghwar, a Hindu minor girl aged 15, was forcibly married in Karachi after being converted against her will. The incident unfolded in the Memongoth area of Malir District, Karachi, where Prem Meghwar, a construction worker, resides.

Jaya Meghwar was abducted from her home on December 20, a day when she was alone. The case was officially registered at Memongoth police station after 10 days, following a complaint filed by Prem Meghwar, the girl’s father. In his statement, Prem Meghwar explained that on December 20, 2023, he went to the market, and his wife left for work, leaving their daughter alone at home. Upon his return, he discovered that Jaya was missing.

On December 22, it was revealed that Jaya had been kidnapped by Muhammad Ferozold Ghulam Hussain with the alleged intention of committing adultery. The accused’s family is also implicated in the case. In response, the accused submitted documents to the police, including an affidavit and a marriage certificate, claiming that Jaya had willingly converted and married Muhammad Feroze.

However, Jaya’s parents vehemently rejected this assertion, emphasizing that their daughter is only 15 years old, making any conversion or marriage illegal. They called for immediate action against the accused and demanded their arrest. Furthermore, they urged authorities to ensure the safe return of the girl to her parents. The incident raises concerns about forced conversions and the protection of minors in such situations.