Kunri, Sindh, Pakistan: Tragic Incident Leaves Hindu Bhil Community in Mourning After Police Raid

In a devastating incident that has left the local community reeling, a Hindu family from the Bhil community was subjected to a horrifying ordeal during a police raid aimed at liberating laborer farmers. The incident occurred when Zamindar Habibullah Jatt and his stepbrother, police officer Asad Jatt, opened fire on the family, resulting in the tragic death of 6-year-old Narayan and injuries to four other family members, including a 1-year-old infant, Devi.

The Bhil community, a historically marginalized group in Pakistan, has been fighting for their rights and fair treatment for generations. This incident has once again highlighted the ongoing struggle of the community against the oppressive feudal system that still exists in some parts of the country.

The police raid was initiated to release laborer farmers who were allegedly being held in a private jail by the Jatt brothers. However, the situation quickly escalated when the Jatts opened fire on the family, leading to the tragic loss of young Narayan’s life and the injuries sustained by his family members.

The incident has sparked outrage among the local community, with many calling for justice and an end to the feudal system that continues to exploit and oppress marginalized communities in the region.

As the community mourns the loss of young Narayan and prays for the recovery of the injured family members, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the long road ahead in the fight for justice and equality for all.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.