HEARTBREAKING: 13-Year-Old Gujarati Girl Forcibly Converted and Married Off in Kot Ghulam Muhammad

“Justice Denied: Nina’s Family Pleads for Her Return as Police Fail to Act”

A devastating tale of forced conversion and child marriage has shaken the community in Kot Ghulam Muhammad, Sindh. Neena, a 13-year-old Gujarati girl, was abducted, forcibly converted, and married off to Mehdi Hasan alias Maidu Khaskhali, a married man with three children.

Neena’s family has been left helpless and hopeless as the police have failed to take action, allowing the perpetrators to change her religion and marry her off. Despite the Sindh government’s Child Marriage Prohibition Act, which prohibits the marriage of minors, the police have refused to file an FIR, citing the change in Neena’s religion as a reason.

Shiva Kachhi, a social worker and President of Kachhi Union, has condemned the police’s inaction, stating that this is not an isolated incident. In numerous cases, the police have aided the criminals, allowing them to change the victim’s religion and marry them off, rendering the legal system powerless.

Neena’s family is determined to fight for her return and seek justice. Her brother, Jeevan, has vowed to pursue a legal battle if necessary. The community demands answers and action from the authorities to prevent such atrocities from happening again.