A role model of Girls’ Education & Women’s Empowerment in Sindh

My name is Ansu Bai Kolhi, and I originate from a Hindu community where the pursuit of education was a rare endeavor. However, I dared to transcend the boundaries of societal norms and embarked on an educational journey that would prove transformative. My determination to break free from this cycle led me onto the path of self-education. This journey was far from easy. I encountered numerous challenges and faced staunch resistance from those who believed that girls like me had no place in the realm of education. Nevertheless, my unyielding thirst for knowledge and unwavering resilience propelled me forward.

A stark disparity between educational opportunities for boys and girls became evident. While boys were readily encouraged to pursue academic excellence, girls were confined to domestic duties and traditional gender roles. Despite the prevailing mindset, I firmly held onto the belief that education could not only empower individuals but uplift entire communities. Today, I take profound pride in proclaiming myself a teacher, wielding a positive influence over lives within my community.My story began at the age of 2 when a wrongly administered injection changed my life’s course.

My father’s unwavering commitment ensured my education persisted despite adversity. I, with a physical impairment, continued my education, driven by his vision for me to be an educator and combat ignorance in society. As I progressed to the 5th grade, skeptics loomed, yet their doubts were overshadowed by my eventual job placements, a testament to my father’s steadfast support.
A resolute commitment was etched into my heart – the aspiration to become a teacher. Upon completing my matriculation, another

obstacle emerged – the loss of my father, leaving me financially unsupported. With determination, I immersed myself in studies, ultimately graduating in 2013. This marked not only the culmination of my academic journey but the beginning of a life dedicated to illuminating minds and fostering change through education.

In the wake of my brothers’ migration to the village of Meenan, a realization dawned: there was no school to nurture the young minds of this community. Fuelled by the desire to make a difference, I took the initiative to establish a humble school within the confines of a hut. With persistent explanations and unwavering determination, our efforts bore fruit – initially, with 20 eager children, and soon thereafter, a growing cohort of 50. Gone were the days of traversing from house to house in pursuit of education seekers. A transformation had occurred; now the children gravitated towards us, seeking the light of knowledge.

Presently, the Kolhi Higher Secondary School stands tall, a testament to our dedication. What started in a modest setting has burgeoned into an educational haven, where we impart wisdom and values to a thriving community of 500 bright minds.

As my father watches over us from realms beyond, his legacy lives on in the very institution that bears his name. The Konbhoo Mal Kolhi Higher Secondary School stands as a beacon of hope, igniting the paths of hundreds of children with the flame of education. These efforts eventually earned recognition from the Sindh government, leading to the transformation of my small initiative into a government-recognized institution.