Forced Conversion and Marriage: Disturbing Case of Abduction of a Minor Hindu Girl in Tando Al-Hiyar District, Pakistan

A minor Hindu girl has been abducted and forcibly converted from the village of Mehboob Ali Qaim Khani in Tando Al-Hiyar District. A case has been registered at Chambar police station based on the complaint filed by Hindu farmer Khetu Kolhi.

The father of the girl, Khetu Kolhi, has identified his daughter as Varsha Kolhi, a 13-year-old minor. The accused, Nazir Bilidi, abducted Varsha Kolhi with the intention of committing adultery and has detained her through harassment and intimidation, putting her life in danger.

Police investigating the case report that Nazir Bilidi claims the girl has converted to his religion, and they are married. The Hindu family affected by this incident of forced conversion and marriage of a minor Hindu girl is experiencing severe mental stress and insecurity.

According to Pakistani law, a girl under the age of 18 cannot be married. However, in Sindh, the disturbing trend of forcibly converting minor Hindu girls and arranging their marriages persists.