Concerns Over Forced Conversion Claims in Sindh

Reports have emerged from the Dargah e Alia Bharchundi in Ghotki, Sindh, alleging that 14 members of the Thori Marwadi Hindu community were forcibly converted to Islam. This incident has sparked concerns about the safety and rights of minority communities in the region.

Local sources claim that the group, comprising men and women from the minority Hindu community, were pressured into changing their religion at the religious site. These allegations have ignited significant unrest within the community and among human rights activists across the country.

The incident has been strongly condemned by various human rights groups demanding an immediate and thorough investigation into these claims. “#StopForcedConversion” has become a rallying cry on social media, calling for justice and protection for minority rights in Pakistan.

Authorities have yet to respond to these allegations, and the details of the incident are still unclear. Community leaders are urging for calm and restraint as they seek legal avenues to address these concerns.

“Sindh Renaissance” will continue to follow this developing story, bringing updates as more information becomes available. This incident underscores the ongoing challenges faced by minority communities in Pakistan and the urgent need for measures to protect their rights and freedoms.

Stay tuned for more updates on this critical issue.