Breaking News: Hindu Businessman Chetan Das Lohana Arrested on False Liquor Charges; Dies in Custody Amidst Torture Allegations

Sindh, July 23, 2024 – In a shocking turn of events, Chetan Das Lohana, a 35-year-old Hindu businessman, was arrested on July 23, 2024, on what his family and supporters claim are false charges of illegal possession and sale of liquor. Tragically, Lohana passed away while in custody, with allegations of brutal torture emerging.

The incident unfolded in Sindh, Sakkhar, where Lohana was taken into custody and later transferred to Sakkhar Civil Hospital, where his lifeless body was handed over to his grieving family. The family vehemently asserts that Lohana was innocent of the charges brought against him and believes that he was targeted due to his religious background.

The circumstances surrounding Lohana’s arrest and subsequent death have raised serious concerns about police brutality and the treatment of religious minorities in Sindh. The allegations of torture and the suspicious circumstances of his demise demand a thorough and impartial investigation to uncover the truth and hold those responsible accountable.

The tragic incident involving Chetan Das Lohana serves as a distressing reminder of the challenges faced by the Hindu community in Sindh. It underscores the urgent need for measures to protect the rights and safety of religious minorities and ensure justice is served.

For more updates and detailed coverage of this case and other issues affecting the Hindu and Sindhi communities in Sindh, Pakistan, stay tuned to Sindh Renaissance.