Breaking News” Blasphemy Charges Against Hindu Guy in Hyderabad Sindh: A Disturbing Trend of Oppression

On August 6, 2024, in Jamali Goth, Hyderabad Sindh. A Hindu guy named Krishna, son of Sajan Meghwar, was booked under Section 295B of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. This charge arose after a Hindu janitor informed a Muslim plaintiff, (Hussain Bakhsh Khaskheli & others), that Krishna had allegedly thrown pages of the Quran into a cesspool ( Dirty water). The plaintiff claimed that this was corroborated by a Hindu janitor named Tulsi, son of Malu Mal.

However, reports indicate that Tulsi was forcibly taken to the police station, where his testimony was coerced against Krishna. This incident highlights the ongoing oppression and torture faced by Hindus in Pakistan, raising serious concerns about the misuse of blasphemy laws to target religious minorities.

The situation underscores a troubling pattern of discrimination and violence against Hindus, prompting calls for United Nations & others international organizations to take notice and act against these injustices. The plight of Krishna and the broader Hindu community in Pakistan remains a critical issue that demands urgent attention.

For more updates and detailed coverage of this case and other issues affecting the Hindu and Sindhi communities in Sindh, Pakistan, stay tuned to Sindh Renaissance.