Baby Bagri: A Role Model for the Bagri Community in Sindh, Pakistan

The majority of the Hindu community in Pakistan resides in the province of Sindh. However, the Hindu Scheduled Caste population faces numerous challenges, particularly in the realm of education. Discrimination based on religion often deprives a significant number of Scheduled Castes of educational opportunities.

Nevertheless, a slow but steady change is underway, giving rise to heroes within Scheduled Caste communities. These individuals, armed with courage, determination, innovative ideas, and a commitment to adapting to modern times, are leading their people towards progress. One such exemplary figure is Bibi Bagri, who has established a school and training center for the Hindu Scheduled Caste Bagri community in Qamber, Sindh.

The Sant Hera Lal Community School, situated on Bago Dero Road in Qamber, Sindh, stands as a testament to Baby Bagri’s unwavering efforts. This institution provides education from the first grade to the middle class, catering to 300 children from the Bagri community. The school, equipped with eight classrooms, a principal’s office, and a teacher’s room, offers free uniforms, shoes, bags, and books to its students. The school employs lady teachers from the Bagri community, fostering a special environment for the children.

On the first floor of the school, an art learning center has been established for girls from the Bagri community. The center operates in the evenings, accommodating 15 girls at a time who are learning to sew clothes.

Bibi Bagri, driven by the neglect and discriminatory attitudes towards Bagri community children, envisioned the need for an educational institution. Despite facing numerous challenges, she successfully built and inaugurated the primary and middle school building in 2015, with the support of local Sarandi people. The school’s approval from the Sindh Minority Affairs Department followed.

Currently serving as the school’s principal, Bibi Bagri aspires to establish similar schools throughout Sindh, ensuring that Bagri community children have access to free and quality education. She envisions upgrading the current school to include a secondary section and expanding the art learning center for girls. To realize these goals, she has acquired another plot near the school, valued at 90 lakh rupees, and hopes to fund it through donations.

Bibi Bagri has earned widespread praise for her community-focused efforts, becoming a role model in educational institutions across districts and cities. She has received numerous awards for her dedication, and her commitment to the Bagri community’s educational progress has made her a symbol of courage and motivation Recently, Sain Sadh Ram, the patron saint of Sant Kanvaram Darbar, visited Baby Bagri’s school in Qambar, commending her efforts and contributing five lakh rupees to support the school. Baby Bagri expressed gratitude for his visit and blessings.