A Heartbreaking Tragedy: Minor Hindu girl found dead in garbage dump after ‘rape’ in Karachi Sindh

In a horrifying incident that has sent shockwaves through the Hindu community, A 12-year-old Hindu girl, Ganga, daughter of Harichand, was found dead in a garbage dump in Karachi’s Saddar area on Sunday, August 25, 2024.
The young girl had been brutally raped multiple times before her life was tragically cut short, her body discarded in a garbage bin.
Ganga and her mother, Mantri, had come to Karachi from Sukkur approximately 20 days prior to the incident to care for a sick relative.

On the fateful night, Mantri had gone to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) for treatment and returned home around 2 am, when she found out that her daughter missing.
When the police are notified, after alerting the authorities, the police managed to recover the girl in a deeply heartbreaking condition.
According to police the post-mortem examination findings suggest sexual violence, and the girl’s body was found stashed in a gunny bag.

As details, the main suspect, A watchman at the Karachi Cantt Station bus stop, along with three of his friends, allegedly kidnapped Ganga. The innocent girl was brutally assaulted and then killed, her body dumped in a garbage drum in the Lucky Star Saddar area of Karachi.

While the main accused has been arrested, three more suspects involved in the heinous crime are still at large, with police efforts to apprehend them ongoing.

This tragic incident is a stark reminder of the daily atrocities faced by the minority communities in Pakistan, where Hindu and other minority girls and women are often subjected to rape, forced conversions, and murder.
Despite the minority communities in Pakistan raising their voices against such atrocities on every possible platform, the response from the United Nations and other social organizations has been disappointingly silent. This silence is deafening in the face of such brutal violations of human rights.

The tragic death of Ganga is a call to action for the United Nations and other social organizations to take serious measures to stop the persecution of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan. It is a plea for justice, not just for Ganga, but for all the innocent lives lost and violated in such horrific circumstances.
The world must not remain silent in the face of such atrocities. It is time for action, for justice, and for change.

For more updates and detailed coverage of this case and other issues affecting the Hindu and Sindhi communities in Sindh, Pakistan, stay tuned to Sindh Renaissance.



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